Business wanted to have all these data at one place. WHEN I LOOK AT THE INFO SOURCE OVERVIEW IN THE TRANSACTION DATA DATA SOURCES, ALONG WITH 0FI_AP_4, THE DATA SOURCE 0GL_ACCOUNT_ATTR(G/L Account: Attributes (Flexible Update),0COMP_CODE_ATTR_TEXT(Company Code:. 0A makes consistent data extraction in the delta method possible for line items in General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) and selected subsidiary ledgers (Accounts Receivable FI-AR and Accounts Payable FI-AP). 0 This blog has been substantially rewritten in December 2018 to include information on how to retrieve fields from various associated master data tables like LFA1 and KNA1, and to clarify the steps for including the. I have been advice against not to run a SELECT statement directly on the BSEG table for various reason and the next best option for now is to do multiple join on EKKO, EKPO and BKPF. 0FI_AP_6 Vendor Sales fi gures via Delta Extraction FI - Accounts Payable: 21 : 0FI_AA_11 fi-AA: Transactions FI - Asset Accounting: 22 :587 Views. During delta extraction, only those entries are selected that belong to posting runs started. for Infosource 0fi_ap_4 - 18 : BSTAT: Choose Statement Status PY - Germany: Structure 19 : EKPO: Purchasing Document Item MM - Purchasing: Transparent TableThe note contains the list of BW extractors which are fully supported, Partially supported and obsolete with S/4 HANA. Oct 30, 2007 at 11:06 PM. and the fields from different tables into one or use line item datasource 0FI_AP_4 and enhance and add all the fields into one? Please. Step1: Append the Structure of Datasource 0FI_ACDOCA_10. Quantity in base unit of measure MENGE_D QUAN 13 18 BSTME Order unit BSTME UNIT 3 T006: 19. Use transaction code RSA6 to make the APPEND fields visible in SAP BW for the MIC DataSources. EKBE is a standard Purchasing Transparent Table in SAP MM application, which stores History per Purchasing Document data. My understanding on financial extractors 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AA_11, 0FI_AA_12 are linked to each other when we run an INIT DELTA load. Name. 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 in any order you like. LFBW : Vendor master record (withholding tax types) X. Delta Extract Stage was tested with custom Datasources and with the following standard Datasources:This DSO is updated by the InfoSource FI-GL: Line Items (0FI_GL_14) ( /IMO/FIGL_IS14 ). privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. We would like to extract data all data from ACDOCA table to BW and wanted to share the same for BPC usage. This DataSource extracts Accounts Receivable Accounting line items from tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. 0ACCT_TYPE. Report Fields R/3 Field Table Datasource-Field. Invoice Ref Num REBZG BSIK 0FI_AP_4 - REBZG. We tried RSO2 and find that no view/table is attached to the datasource 0FI_AP_4, instead the. The delta time stamp is in table ROOSGENDLM. 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 in any order. Enhancing 0FI_GL_14 datasource at ECC side in CMOD using Company Code,Document Number,Line Item ,and Fiscal Year from BSEG table and get the corresponding MATERIAL (MATNR) field. 0A (BW PlugIn 2001. 0 October 2010 Initial versionThis DataSource extracts Accounts Payable Accounting line items from tables BSIK (open items) and BSAK (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. Postings are still made to the table BSEG. This DataSource replaces 0FI_AP_1. Hi, I'am working with FI-AP cubes. Pints will be. Characteristic. In data source amount paid value is showing in positive, whereas in PAYR table it is showing negative. Now We found that there is a different table called FAGLFLEXA & FAGLFLEXT , Which will have the combined data from BSEG , BKPF. For more information, see Overview Page Obsolete Content. The Extract structure for the same is DTFIAR_3. Use. Is the extractor 0FI_ACDOCA_20 will contain plan data as well (i. The delta time stamp is stored in. Init : Does same as above. 0COSTELMNT_ATTR is Not whitelisted, will work but with some. Jun 18, 2009 at 02:34 PM. Step1: The base tables (BSAK and BSIK). Application Component. Dear All, For FI related below data sources i want to do full upload. This ensures that the data in BW for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Accounting is exactly as up to date as the data for General Ledger Accounting. Thanks in advance. For the General Ledger, selection is made from the tables BKPF and BSEG, while selection for the subledgers is made from tables BSID/BSAD (Accounts Receivable) and BSIK/BSAK (Accounts Payable). Relevancy Factor: 40. Here we will use 0FI_AP_30 & 2LIS_11_VAHDR extractors (One direct extract and another LO extraction). In SAP NetWeaver 7. But there is a new EHP3 package as SAP has released 0FI_AP_30 datasource in replacement of 0FI_AP_4. ) It is also no longer possible to subsequently activate this. Filled with the 2-digit system ID of the connected source system. Delta Capable: Yes Delta Procedure: AIM Direct Access: Allowed 0FI_AP_20 (Vendor Balances) This DataSource provides vendor balances Delta Capable: Yes Delta Procedure: AIE Direct Access: Allowed 0FI_AR_30 (Customer Line Items) 5 | Page This DataSource provides customer line items (tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) of. Partioned data requests are therefore possible in Delta Init mode. 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable: 0FI_AP_1: Vendors: Transaction figures. If you are trying to use this datasource in your enviroment please maintain the below sequence otherwise huge problem with delta's. During that time, users will still be able to view content (blogs and questions) but will not. The DataSources can then be used independently of one. The delta time stamp is stored in table BWOM2_TIMEST Technically, it is always possible to expose a standard SAP DataSource for the ODP-SAP replication by maintaining a corresponding entry in table ROOSATTR in the relevant source system with OLTPSOURCE = <Technical Name of DataSource> and EXPOSE_EXTERNAL = ‘X’. 0FI_GL_14 0FI_GL_4 writes the entries into the time stamp table BWOM2_TIMEST in the SAP R/3 System with a new upper limit for the time stamp selection. Technical name: 0FI_AP_4 Technical Data Use This DataSource extracts Accounts Payable Accounting line items from tables BSIK (open items) and BSAK (cleared items) in the. BWTAR. You can the table from which particular field is coming suing SE11. In particular, the InfoSource contains no InfoObjects from Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Accounting. Does anyone know of a Business Content Datasource/Extractor pulling data from FI table "PAYR"?. Scenario 3:. 156 Views. for Infosource 0fi_ar_4 - 2 : BSID: Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers FI - Financial Accounting: Transparent Table 3 : BSAD:4. Output line items are from Account Payables (AP) and there is one output line per line item. 4 249 TXBH2 Tax Base/Original Tax Base in Second Local Currency TXBH2 CURR 23 250 TXBH3. Here is the sample of VBScript code you can use. BUKRS: Company Code. e. With BW Release 2. 57 SP 06 and higher, this object is obsolete and has been replaced by Advanced DSO (ADSO) FI-AP: Vendor Line Items - /IMO/D_FIAP30. Use transaction RSA7 to find records with the value U in the field. 0FI_GL_10: General Ledger: Leading Ledger Balances FI - General Ledger Accounting: 5. Now we've got a question for 0FI_GL_4: The extractor considers all data from the tables FAGLFLEXA (or similar customer tables), BKPF, BSEG, and BSEG_ADD. Base Line date (ZFBDT) 0FI_AR_3/4 data source doesn’t bring the statistical AR document (noted items) and you have to implement SAP Note 411758 – “Extracting noted item“ to bring in the same. Financial Accounting: General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) Available from OLTP Release. 0FI_GL_50 - Extracts general ledger planned line items for all ledgers. 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 in any order you like. Is Simple Finance designed to be used in BW? If so, will the new universal journal table (ACDOCA) have an extractor such as previous tables in finance (e. 0FI_AP_4 Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation FI - Accounts Payable: 21 : 0CUSTOMER_ATTR Customer Number Logistics - Logistics - General: 22 :. RSS Feed. This DataSource provides vendor line items (tables BSIK (open items) and BSAK (cleared items) of subledger accounting. Field in Table of Origin/ Remarks MEASTYPE Key figure category COSR VTSTAT Statistics indicator for value type COSR VTYPE Value type for reporting X COSR. DataSources 0FI_AR_3 and 0FI_AP_3 , can be replaced. In order for the drill to source feature to function properly, you need to include in your mapping tables some columns from the ECC datasource. Now you will get the list of tables from from which field is populating. Prerequisites. 1 Scope: From the Functional Specs it was derived that Business required reporting on the AP Line Item Data, Transaction Figures and Payment history along with some Vendor Master Data. In this scenario, enhancing the 0FI_GL_4 DataSource and adding the extra fields from the BSEG table. Esquimalt, BC. 0FI_AR_4 Initialization - millions of records | SAP Community. 0FI_AR_4 Initialization - millions of records | SAP Community. Transaction data (movement data) Application Component. Search for additional results. Origin Fields in the Extract Structure. can you pls explain me how 0FI_GL_4 extractor works ? Full Load : Does the extractor takes data from base table using function module BWFID_GET_FIGL_ITEM ? I saw this function module in RS02 . 0. Vendor SGL Sales Figures using Delta Extraction: FI - Accounts Payable: Tables related to 0FI_GL_1 TABLE Description Application ; GLT0: G/L account master record transaction figures: FI - Basic Functions: BSEG: Accounting. Relevancy Factor: 1. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_4 Datasource . 1. Related content. The performance of 0FI_GL_40 extraction is not good. 0DOC_DATE. This is described in note 410797. This DataSource is delta-compatible (in contrast to 0FI_GL_1). SAPLFACS, FORM GKONT_ERMITTELN. SAP BW/4 HANA Modelling for ADSO and Open ODS, Extraction and loading of data from Sales Stats (0UC SALES STATS 02) and Mass Extraction Activity for FI-CA: BP Items, Payments and Payments Lot, Promise to Pay, Installment Plans, Settlement Documents, Returns and Checks. 0 onwards, the tables FAGLFLEXT (totals), FAGLFLEXA, BSEG, BKPF (Line Item) get filled in BI side you have to use data model. The details: Billing Doc: 9001, Accounting Doc. . 1 Content, selections by company code and fiscal year/period are possible for DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4. Hi Experts, Can anyone provide the based table names for 0FI_TX_4 data source? and can anyone tell me how to eassly find out the filed table names. 4. 2 Add-On. INCLUDE 0 83 FRBNR Number of Bill of Lading at Time of Goods Receipt FRBNR1 CHAR 16 84. Extractor 0FI_GL_10: This extractor is having VALUETYPE field but it has only 10 (Actual Data). You can also use DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. 0fi Ap 4 Table Database Tables in SAP (41 Tables) This InfoSource contains the structure to provide new general ledger line item data to the EDW Core Layer. This ensures the proper synchronization of accounts. View the full list of Tables for 0fi Ap 4 Tables. Victoria, BC. SAP Base tables for 0FI_AA_20 data source and not able to execute in RSA 3. For example Finance data extractor 0FI_GL_10 is Whitelisted with S/4 HANA, this means the data source is fully supported and will work with out any restriction. Vbrp Table Data Source BW Datasources. The extractor considers all data from the tables FAGLFLEXA (or similar customer tables), BKPF, BSEG, and BSEG_ADD. InfoSource 0FI_GL_4 transfers only those fields that are relevant for General Ledger Accounting from the Financial Accounting. Moreover, you can use the DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately, without. 0FI_GL_4 – General ledger: Line Items; 0FI_AP_4 – Accounts payable: Line Items; 0FI_AR_4 – Accounts receivable: Line Items; This document describes the procedure to activate the ad-hoc data loads which will bring the delta data from the line items from the listed data sources into BW. 0FI_AA_12. MCHA. At the moment the BW logic shows that PO information (for MM invoices) will be there, only if there is one item (existing) for MM invoice. Use. You're wondering to know using which fields as the selection could improve the performance. Is Simple Finance designed to be used in BW? If so, will the new universal journal table (ACDOCA) have an extractor such as previous tables in finance (e. Assignment NumberHI ALL, I AM TRYING TO CREATE PROCESS CHAIN FOR 0FIAP_C03 . 2, you can now load 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 in any order you like. Gurus, 0FI_AP_4 Data souce is getting data from BSAK and BSIK tables. I know for old version BW, 0FI_AR_30 supports remote cube. We've tried BKPF, BSEG, and PAYR, not successful. 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts. The new datasources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4 use a time stamp method instead of the BW Delta queue in the R/3 source system in order to determine the Delta dataset. Init : Does same as above. goto SE11 in R3 system --> give field name and click on where used list ( 3rd icon from left on top). Document Flow Tables. Batch Number. BSEG is a standard Financial Accounting Cluster Table in SAP FI application, which stores Accounting Document Segment data. I would like to give few inputs on this. Follow. This DataStore object (advanced) serves as the staging and corporate memory DSO for the DataSource General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction (0FI_GL_4). Symptom. 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI -. A function that enables you to change the demand of a role or the assigned effort of a resource assignment. Here are the 25 most used bw_datasources in SAP Bw datasource Description Functional Area 2LIS_03_BF Goods Movements From Inventory MM - Materials Management Management 2LIS_02_ITM Purchasing Data (Item Level) MM - Materials Management 2LIS_03_BX Stock Initialization for Inventory MM - Materials Management Management. Standards data source for ACDOCA. Please help me. The problem is we have activated the datasources of 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_GL_4 from delivery version RSA5, After activation we checked in RSA6, and even the data is available we checked in RSA3 also. SI is based on FAGLFLEXA table (General Ledger: Actual Line Items) TT is based on FAGLFLEXT table (General Ledger: Totals) – Functions. This DataSource replaces DataSource 0FI_AR_3 (Accounts Receivable: Line Items) and uses the same extraction structure. Hi Experts, I want to add REGUP-LAUFD to my datasource 0FI_AP_4. 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 in any order you like. Hi Experts, i enhanced the the data source 0FI_AP_4 with the four fields BUSAB,MWSKZ,TXJCD,FWSTE now i need to write code in CMOD to populate these fields in to RSA3, but i dont know from which tablesThis explains how to convert from using the old extraction procedure (DataSources 0FI_AP_3 and 0FI_AR_3) to the new one (DataSources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4). Transactional data (transaction data) Application Component. Note. can you pls explain me how 0FI_GL_4 extractor works ? Full Load : Does the extractor takes data from base table using function module BWFID_GET_FIGL_ITEM ? I saw this function module in RS02 . Cost Centers: Actual Costs Delta Extract. ODQ Tables. At this point we are still using the classic model, but just by changing the underlying data base by HANA, we are getting already a great reduction of the total load time by almost 25 minutes down to 57 minutes. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Use. You will have to go to structure DTFIAR_3 and find include ' CI_BSID ' (it should be in bottom). As of Plug-In 2002. InfoSource 0FI_AR_4 replaces InfoSource 0FI_AR_3. This table forms the basis for picking up records for delta extraction. 0DOC_CURRCY. 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable: 0FI_GL_14:FI-AP Data Extraction to BW using 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AP_6 and 0FI_AP_7 DataSources. 3281039-Data missing during extraction of 0FI_AP_4 in FULL loading. Technical Data. BSEG, and PAYR, not successful. 0FI_AA_12: ~12 million records. 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable:The DataStore object is supplied with data from both of these DataSources: 0FI_AA_11 and 0FI_AA_12. This information is extracted separately (InfoSources 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4). The migration from InfoSource 0FI_AP_3 to InfoSource 0FI_AP_4 is. When I checked RSA5 for these datasources, I saw that these new datasources are not ODP enabled as. This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Only fields that are relevant for the general ledger are transferred from the Financial Accounting document (BKPF and BSEG tables) to the BW. (0FI_AR_4). check the help on the datasource, with luck you'll get the source tables:. In a similar way, the annual values from table ANLC are converted to pseudo-transactions (using transaction type PLN for planned values and transaction type CUM for cumulative annual values). 11. In particular, the InfoSource contains no InfoObjects from Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Accounting. Delta Update0FI_GL_4 writes the entries into the time stamp table BWOM2_TIMEST in the SAP R/3 System with a new upper limit for the time stamp selection. This InfoSource contains the transaction figures for Accounts Payable (table LFC1). Characteristic. Note: The below scenario is applicable only for the datasources 0FI_GL_4 (General ledger: Line Items),0FI_AP_4 (Accounts payable: Line Items), 0FI_AR_4 (Accounts receivable: Line Items) Scenario. Extractors only exist for the source system from R/3 Release 4. Victoria, BC. 0. RSS Feed. The new solution is based on new extractors that are available with Plug-In Release PI2003. I have a problem. The DataSources can then be. Parked Documents "DATA: BEGIN OF WA_KNB5, BUSAB TYPE BUSAB_MA, END OF WA_KNB5, BEGIN OF WA_KNVP,. This DataSource provides Accounts Receivable Accounting line items from tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. 2, see OSS note 551044 0FI_GL_4 writes the entries into the time stamp table BWOM2_TIMEST in the. Map_CDC_Operation transform is used to transfer the DML changes in the source data and deliver it to the target tables. amount WSKTO CURR 23 49. This Invoice masterdata is getting data from 0FI_AP_4 datasource. Our objective is to enhance the DataSource 0FI_AA_11 (Transaction Data) with those attributes ATTR1 & ATTR2, but this DataSource doesn't have the Profit Center. To enhance 0FI_GL_4 I have created a field MWSKZ in the include CI_BSIS according to note 410799. Name of Target InfoObject. 0. But I have a requirement like I need to enhance this 0FI_AP_4 with other tables (PAYR,REUGH). Insurance Base: ADR6: USR03: User field with 10 characters: ADRESS: Single-Character Flag: CRM. , KBA , FI-AP-AP-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , Problem . You also have the option of using DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. 0. Then at the BW side, during loading of 0FI_AR_4/0FI_AP_4 in the respective DSO, I can lookup the. The structure gets. Days for Cash Discount 1. 0fi Ar 4 Base Ecc Table BW Datasources Most important BW Extractors for 0fi Ar 4 Base Ecc Table # BW DATASOURCE Description Application; 1 :. You also have the option of using DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. The migration from InfoSource 0FI_AR_3 to InfoSource 0FI_AR_4 is described in note 410797. As a prerequisite for using this note, you must have been using the old DataSources (FI_AP_3 and FI_AR_3) and intend to replace them with the new ones. Jan 24, 2013 at 09:17 AM. You can. Technical Data. We have a Std. PleaseAcc Doc No (BELNR) is in BSEG Table, but record is NOT in 0FI_AP_4 Extrctr. This information is extracted separately (InfoSources 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4). Account type. You may choose to manage your own preferences. Introduction: In many BW Projects, we have seen that most of the time we need to enhance the standard FI_GL/AR/AP extractors and pull the data apart from the base/origin tables on certain Business logic/requirement. · Delta records are directly transferred to BW. FI (Financial Accounting) BW Datasources. (Complete Reference) Extractor : BWFID_GET_FITAX_ITEM Extractor Structure : DTFITX_4 Source Table : BKPF 0FI_GL_20 G/L Accounts: Transaction Figures The 0FI_GL_20 data source contains. I want to know there are ODP enabled data sources like 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_GL_10 Etc. Data source setup table filling. 6B. Document currency. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). Hi Experts, Can anyone provide the based table names for 0FI_TX_4 data source? and can anyone tell. Relevancy Factor: 30. SAP. Use SAP BW/4HANA Business Content delivers this field-based DataStore Object (advanced) as a first persistence layer of data replicated into a SAP BW/4HANA data warehouse. Source Tables (Function Module): BWFIAA_EXTRACT_DELTA (Function Module). This extractor is taking too long to extract data from ECC and load performance is becoming poor by the day. The migration of DataSource 0FI_AR_3 to new DataSource 0FI_AR_4 is described in. Loaded 0%. Corporate Memory: storage of all data records delivered by the DataSource for rebuilding the Integrated DWH. 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_TX_4. Append extractor 0FI_GL_14_APPE is used to provide the corresponding fields in BI. Cost Center Authorization (Master Data) Cost Center Personalization (AUTH) Cost Center Personalization (HR) Cost Center Personalization (REPP) User for Cost Center and Areas. This explains how to convert from using the old extraction procedure (DataSources 0FI_AP_3 and 0FI_AR_3) to the new one (DataSources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4 and. About the 0CO_OM_ABC_2 Datasource . Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. This information is extracted separately (DataSources 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4). Master data for 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4 | SAP Community Relevancy Factor: 1. BELNR: Document number (under SAP ECC) REBZG: Invoice Reference. Ex: I have a data source 0fi_ap_3. Technical name: 0FI_AA_12. You specify for which period (start and finish) you want to change the distributed demand or assigned effort. Hello BW Experts. Financial Accounting: Vendors:FI-AP (BSID, BSAD Tables) 0FI_AP_1:Vendors: Transaction figures 0FI_AP_2:Vendors: Item 0FI_AP_3:Vendors: Line Items 0FI_AP_4:Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extraction 0FI_AP_6:Vendor Sales Figures via Delta Extraction 0FI_AP_7:Vendor SGL Sales Figures using Delta Extraction. If no data exists for 0FI_GL_4, extraction is not linked to the General Ledger. So I have used the Data Source 2LIS_06_INV (where the data is coming from. Tables/ Tcodes to check the timestamp maintained for FI datasources. Pints will be. Abstract: This field guide insert presents the growth intercept models and tables available for use in the interior of British Columbia. AEDAT is not present in the tables. This explains how to convert from using the old extraction procedure (DataSources 0FI_AP_3 and 0FI_AR_3) to the new one (DataSources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4). The new solution is based on new extractors that are available with Plug-In Release PI2003. This DataSource provides Accounts Receivable Accounting line items from tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. In delta mode, data requests with InfoSource 0FI_AR_4 and InfoSource 0FI_AP_4 do not provide any data if no new extraction has taken place with InfoSource 0FI_GL_4 since the last data transfer. Relevancy Factor: 40. DataStore object (advanced): FI-GL: New GL Leading Ledger - Balances (0FI_GL_12) - /IMO/CMFIGL12. Technical Name. 0FI_AP_1: 0FI_AP_6 (or 0FI_AP_4) obsolete DS only supported FULL mode: 0FI_AP_3: 0FI_AP_4: obsolete DS only supported FULL mode: 0FI_AR_1. Customer Tables. Application Component. Base Unit MEINS UNIT 3 * 15 AWTYP Ref. 0FI_AP_4; 0FI_AR_4; 0FI_AA_12; InfoCubes; Flat Files; 12 Shipping / Deliveries - COPIED; BDLS; Excel to. Click. RSM340, Transfer (IDocs and TRFC), Missing messages, 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_TX_4, delta, init, RJ 012 , KBA , BW-BCT-FI , BW only - Financial Accounting , BC-BW-ODP , Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) and. Data sources – 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_GL_4, which are line item extractors, use this table for managing delta records. Now my question is do we need to add DSO 0FIAP_O03 in between 0FI_AP_30 and 0FIAP_C30. Accounts Recievable : Line Items - Customers: Items Tables BSAD ( Cleared Items ) BSID ( Open Items ) Delta Pointer Table BWOM2_TIMEST Related T-codes : 0FI_AP_51. Firts step i need copy extractor, in second step i need modify. This table covers field in General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL), Asset Accounting (FI-AA), Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) and the Material Ledger (CO-PC-ACT). The pointer in this table can be changed using FM. And the INIT delta load time stamps details are stored in BWOM2_TIMEST table. BSEG - Accounting Document Segment. CPUDT is a field in both BSIK and BSAK, but system does not fetch data from these tables. And also, there is a field "Amount Paid" in data source. How can i fine From which tables it is extracting the data. RMVCT. Follow RSS Feed Hi experts, My client is implementing BW-BPC Consolidation, so that we already have 0FI_GL14 data source and from this we are extracting data into customized DSO, for BW-BPC Consolidation client has given KE24 Tcode and ask to enhance to 0FI_GL14. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. 0FI_GL_4: General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting:Setup Table 2lis 03 Bf Bw Datasources in SAP. Tables related to 0FI_AA_12 TABLE Description Application ; ANLC: Asset Value Fields: FI - Basic Functions:. RSEG is a standard Invoice Verification Transparent Table in SAP MM application, which stores Document Item: Incoming Invoice data. How can I add that?Below is the functional difference between 0FI_AP_30 & 0FI_AP_4: 0FI_AP_4 gives you accounts payable line items in your report. SAP BW/4HANA Business Content delivers this field-based DataStore Object (advanced) as a first persistence layer of data replicated into a SAP BW/4HANA data warehouse. Version Date Description 1. About the 0EC_PCA_1 Datasource . Please check whether you were using 0FI_AP_3 / 0FI_AR_3 at any time in the past. This is an issue in PowerCenter 9. About the 0FI_AR_4 / 0FI_AR_30 Datasource . the BW delta queue. 0B, based on DataSources 0FI_AR_3 and 0FI_AP_3 , can. 36 Views. Apply source code corrections mentioned in OSS note 1424403. CPUDT is a field in both BSIK and BSAK, but system does not fetch data from these tables. On the S/4 HANA cloud home page, Search for the “Custom CDS View” App as shown: Click on the App displayed. I would like to give few inputs on this. Introduction: In many BW Projects, we have seen that most of the time we need to enhance the standard FI_GL/AR/AP extractors and pull the data apart from the base/origin tables on certain Business logic/requirement. This InfoSource provides Accounts Payable Accounting line items from tables BSIK (open items) and BSAK (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. Characteristic. We tried RSO2 and find that no view/table is attached to the datasource 0FI_AP_4, instead the extraction function BWFID_GET_FIAP_ITEM is used for the extraction, but inside this function, still can't find this field WRSHB. Some of the tables which can be useful for you are: LFA1 : Vendor Master (General Section) LFM1 : Vendor master record purchasing organization data. Hope this helped. It will depends on the what is the time stamp of the last delta or init run abd based on that the delta records will get trigger. Data Source 0FI_GL_4 , will satisfy this requirement. Table of Origin Field in Table of Origin /Remarks CURTYP Currency Type X 0FI_AR_4: Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - Accounts Receivable: 0FI_GL_40: G/L Accounts: Line Items: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable: 0FI_GL_20: G/L Accounts: Transaction Figures: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_6: General Ledger Sales Figures via. 4 BI Content 7. An example would be that an AR document base line date of 01. The delta procedure means that you can also load large volumes of data. RemoteCube Compatibility. Document Number of Purchasing. For the General Ledger, the selection is made from the tables BKPF and BSEG, while selection for the subledgers is made from tables BSID/BSAD (Accounts Receivable) and BSIK/BSAK (Accounts Payable). Parked Documents 1 Scope: From the Functional Specs it was derived that Business required reporting on the AP Line Item Data, Transaction Figures and Payment history along with some Vendor Master Data. About the 0FI_AP_4 / 0FI_AP_30 Datasources . Version 0008 of. On the SAP help, it's stated. This DataSource provides Accounts Receivable Accounting line items from tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_3 Datasource . If you delete the last initialization selection in the source system for the InfoSources 0FI_*_4 in the BW system Administrator Workbench, the entry from table TPS31 is also removed. BWFISAFETY - 1. Financial Accounting: Vendors (FI-AP) Available as. 0FI_AR_4: Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction FI - Accounts Receivable: 3. This means that only fields that are relevant for the general ledger are transferred from the Financial Accounting document (BKPF and BSEG tables) to the extract structure. As of PlugIn2002. 0FI_AP_4 Init Delta load does not link with 0FI_GL_4 in BWOM2_TIMEST Relevancy Factor: 1. All the above datasources work as a set , the deltas are dependent. Append extractor 0FI_GL_14_APPE is used to provide the corresponding fields in BI. 0FI_AR_4 Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction FI - Accounts Receivable: 14 : 0CUSTOMER_ATTR Customer Number Logistics - Logistics - General: 15 : 0FI_GL_10 General Ledger: Leading Ledger Balances FI - General Ledger Accounting: 16 : 0FI_AP_4 Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation FI - Accounts Payable: 17 : 2LIS_02_HDR. As a consequence the extracted records have all key. 0B, which is based on the DataSources 0FI_AR_3 and 0FI_AP_3, can be replaced. Transformation Rule. Follow. SM66 shows that 'Sequential Read of DB FAGLFLEXA' last a long time. There should be 'D' entries in the table for the preceding datasource, for the next datasource to have successful data extraction. Contents: Introduction. InfoObject. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Structure Delta Update.